Saturday, November 6, 2010

Elderly Festival at School

Max's class participated in an elderly festival for neighborhood people today. He played songs with his Grade 4/5 band. This obaachan smiled through the whole thing!

The band's first song was "Smoke on the Water." Second, "Let it Be." Very nice playing, Max!

The show also featured a choir, a demonstration of how to exercise at home, and a local school's Grade 3 dance.

Afterwards, there was food, and a couple of activities for the children.

One of the games was called, "Torture your parents." ("Can I keep it, Mom? Please? He says we can each take home five of them!"). This is the reason we now have three black goldfish in a 1 liter bottle on our kitchen.

In this activity, children as young as 6 were handed real saws, hammers, and nails and invited to create tables, boxes, and other stuff. Be still, Aunt Lisa and Grandma.

This sort of reminds me of the famous stand at Newark Community Days, where a man dumps a truckload of wood scraps on a tarp and kids create stuff. Except that that activity involves wood glue (which does not dry before you get home) and zero sharp objects. The kids here were remarkably good at sawing and nailing. Max got a blister from the saw, but otherwise, no boo boos.

Alek made a great little table. So did Max. Some other kid we know bent his first nail, and ran away from the scene.


  1. That's our Mr. Enthusiasm, running away! :-)

  2. more reasons to love this school! cute little table!
