Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hiroshima trip Part I

Still spring break....the endless spring break.

Grandpop and Grandma D are visiting us. We have been playing a lot, and showing them all of our favorite restaurants. On Thursday we went to visit Hiroshima. We took the shinkansen there, and visited the atomic bomb memorial parks fist.

People from all over the world send chains of 1000 paper cranes to decorate the various monuments.

This is Children's Peace Monument, in honor of Sadako Sasaki, who died of leukemia after being exposed to the bomb at age 2. (we read about her online.)
Can you see the a-bomb dome in the distance? This is a cenotaph (look that up, please; it has been a source of much discussion lately) containing the names of the victims.

There is a museum there with artifacts, art, videos, and historical descriptions.

After visiting Peace Park, we went to our hotel on the outskirts of Hiroshima. It was Grand! Kind of like a Grand Prince.

We all went to the hotel's onsen and then went to the hotel's Japanese restaurant for dinner, so Grandpop and Grandma D could experience a kaiseki ryori.
Here is the kids menu:
This kids' plate came in a three-tiered bento box! Whoa!
Here is the adult's appetizer course.
We had great weather both days.
Friday, we took a high speed ferry to Miyajima...but, more on that later!

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